AssociationNewsPoland launches third UEFA CFM edition! Back


Poland launches third UEFA CFM edition!

 28 / 04 / 22 Author: PZPN
Poland launches third UEFA CFM edition!

UEFA's Certificate in Football Management programme is a key element in training people working in football across Europe, and Poland has decided to host already the third edition of the Programme by starting new national edition which is lead in strict cooperation with UEFA and University of Lausanne.

35 participants have just started this educational adventure by attending the first seminar which took place in Warsaw on 26-27 April 2022. The course features participants representing the Polish Football Association (PFA), Regional Football Associations and clubs, as well as representatives of other national associations. The European flavour of the UEFA CFM programme was emphasised through the participation of guests from the national associations of Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Albania and Hungary.

Strategic management and organisation of the world football were the focal points of the first seminar. Participants also received an insight into the UEFA HatTrick assistance programme and UEFA GROW development support programme which works with the national associations to nurture the game throughout Europe.

Among the experts of the first seminar were: Sean Hamil (Birkbeck, University of London), Mikkel Draebye (SDA Bocconi School of Management) and Denis Bastari (UEFA).

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